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About us

Victims of Crime Assistance League (VOCAL) Inc. is a Non-Government Organization (NGO) dedicated to providing support services to victims of crime and connecting victims to alternative services provided in the ACT. Our organization was founded with the aim to provide a safe and supportive environment for victims of crime to access the resources they need to recover and rebuild their lives.
We provide a range of services to help victims of crime, including counseling, legal support (Court Support, Practical Support, assistance with Victim Impact Statements), and advocacy. Our team is made up of experienced professionals and talented volunteers who are committed to providing the best possible support to our clients. We understand the challenges that victims of crime face, and we are here to help them navigate the complex legal and emotional issues that arise. We are committed to  providing non-judgmental and confidential support to our clients at all stages, no matter the crime type or how long ago the crime occurred. We support primary, secondary and tertiary victims - the primary victim is a person who has been directly hurt during the crime. A secondary victim is a relative of the primary victim but suffers as a result of the loss or are living with the consequences of the crime.  This includes being a witness to a crime.  Tertiary victims are not recognized under legislation, but include the family members of the offender who suffer as a result of the crime committed. We recognize the effects of crime are not limited and can have grey areas, and we seek to assist anyone affected. 


We also offer grief counselling, in the event you require it. Your location (be it in Australia or overseas) does not affect your ability to access our services as we provide over-the-phone and technology supported appointments (via Google Meet or messenger, or alternative options can be explored if needed)


VOCAL ACT Inc. is a non-profit organization committed to helping victims of crime in Canberra, Queanbeyan and surrounding regions. Since our establishment in 1988, we have been dedicated to providing practical and emotional support to people who have experienced crime. Our team is dedicated to promoting the rights of crime victims and raising awareness about their issues. If you need help or want to learn more about our services, contact us today. We are a not-for profit, community organisation, we are a gift-deductible charity and welcome your support to continue to do the work we do to support victims of crime. Please contact the office if you would like more information on how you can  help.


Our Services and How it Works

VOCAL ACT provides a range of free services for victims of crime, including those indirectly affected. Our services encompass counselling, emotional support, court support services and assistance in moving within the justice system. We can assist in legal applications, writing of and preparing to give victim impact statements and provide information. We are committed to providing non-judgmental support, no matter the crime type, location, personal position or timeline.  


To make an appointment, we invite you to call 6295 9600 Mon- Wed or text 0439 959 410 after hours. We can also be contacted via the form found in the contact us tab or at the bottom of this page. We ask that you please specify if you are unable to travel to VOCAL House in Narrabundah and would therefore like to have your appointment via (a) Google Meet (b) Messenger or (c) ZOOM. 

OPening hours
After Hours Support

VOCAL provides in-person support at VOCAL house at 1 Iluka Street, Narrabundah. Our regular hours are between 

11-4pm Monday - Wednesday**


**These days may change occasionally and it is always best to make an appointment before arriving on the day. 

At VOCAL, we recognize that support can be needed at all hours of the day. We therefore have a 24/7 After Hours Emergency line that provides after-hours support services, which can be used in cases of emergencies. We ask that you only use this line in the event of a genuine emotional support needs or personal crisis, as it is intended. Please note, this line is serviced by our volunteer workers, who give their time generously to ensure support is available 24/7 to victims of crime. 

Our Vision
Our Values

As a responsible and active participant in the ACT Community through a strong diverse and vibrant membership, we will deliver high quality, efficient, effective and relevant services and support to victims of crime whilst we raise the level of public awareness and contribute to the community cohesiveness 





Our Mission

To help and support individual persona and their families who, through a criminal act against them are victims of crime, to overcome their anguish and suffering and assist them towards a state of understanding and acceptance of their adversity in order to resume a more stable mental and physical condition.


To offer support to victims during their relevant court actions. 


To promote public awareness of the plight of victims and promote action in the interest of those victims and the existence of VOCAL (ACT) Inc. 


To act as a vehicle and catalyst for the community to be involved in issues of crime and its impact, to work in a co-operative fashion with the community, businesses and Government to adapt to better deal with crime and resultant victim issues. 

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